7 steps to living the life you want and deserve

Did you know that only 3% of the world's population have a written set of goals? Funnily enough these people are also the world's richest and most successful.

Many people have goals that are either in their head, written down somewhere they can't remember, or just talk about what they wish they had.  A wish is not a goal.  A goal is something that you want bad enough that you are prepared to do whatever it takes to achieve it.

A common theme amongst many of these guys is that they all share a common day for goal setting... New Year's Day!  Most people who set goals make New Year resolutions and then as the days go past and life gets busy again, these goals become wishful and never materialise.

So what do the 3% do different?  And why is it that these guys achieve their goals in a predictable way?

Follow these 7 steps and your life will never be the same again:

1)  Write down your goals (don't just say it, write it down)

2)  Be very specific with what you want, by when you want it, and how you plan to get it

3)  Keep it simple (don't set too many goals at once)

4)  Be realistic.  Set goals that will stretch you but don't put you off

5)  Carry your written goals with you everywhere everyday (e.g. use the Notes application on your iPhone)

6)  Read out your goals first thing when you wake up and last thing before you go to sleep (it works!)

7)  Feel, see, and believe you already have your goal.  Anything is possible but you need to believe it first

97% of the population stumble through life with no definite goals which usually leads to misery.  Juice up your life and create a purpose for yourself.  Challenge yourself and be excited.  Goals will help you create the life you want and be fulfilled.

Go for what you want and dream big.  Anything is possible!

If you want help setting your financial goals, feel free to have a confidential chat with me as I would be more than happy to help you and share with you how this stuff works.  I implemented the above some 9 years ago and my life has never been the same.

Important information: This content has been prepared without taking account of the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular individual. It does not constitute formal advice. For this reason, any individual should, before acting, consider the appropriateness of the information, having regard to the individual’s objectives, financial situation and needs and, if necessary, seek appropriate professional advice.

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